Your Local Pest Control Service


We are committed to providing pest control services that are prompt, efficient and do not cause undue distress or suffering to the creatures we are responsible for removing. We also believe in fairness – if a service or treatment isn’t necessary, we won’t charge you for it. Sometimes all you need is expert advice, which we’re more than happy to provide. Likewise, we strive not only to resolve current issues but also work closely with you in order to prevent future problems from arising or recurring.
Pest control service showing a silhouette of a rat on it's back legs

Rodents & Mammals


There are several telltale signs that indicate you may have a rat problem. These clever rodents leave behind distinct evidence of their presence, such as droppings, gnaw marks on food packaging or wiring, and greasy rub marks along walls and skirting.

Rats are not just an annoyance; they can pose significant health risks and property damage. Firstly, rats carry numerous diseases that can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with their urine or faeces, including the potentially fatal Hantavirus.

Additionally, they contaminate food with bacteria and parasites like salmonella and fleas. Not to mention chewing through electrical wires – which can result in fires. They are also prolific breeders meaning prompt action is crucial.

We have all of the equipment needed to solve your rat problem. Unlike most pest control companies, we can also carry out CCTV drain surveys ourselves. This will find any points of entry to your house via damaged drains and sewers, which saves you the cost of having a separate contractor to survey your drains. 

We eliminate rat problems quickly, efficiently and humanely as possible with minimal disruption.


One of the tell-tale signs that you may have a mouse problem is the discovery of small, dark droppings scattered near food sources or along walls and cabinets. These fecal pellets are usually about the size of a grain of rice. Another indication is hearing scratching noises within your walls during quiet moments, especially at night when mice are most active.

Mice possess an uncanny ability to squeeze through minuscule openings as tiny as a pencil eraser, making it easy for them to infiltrate homes and buildings undetected. Once inside, they can wreak havoc on your property by gnawing on electrical wires and causing potential fire hazards.

Much like rats, mice tend to reproduce rapidly; a single female can give birth to six litters in just one year! With their rapid breeding cycle and capability for carrying diseases such as Hantavirus and Salmonella, it becomes even more imperative to address any mouse infestations promptly and effectively before they pose serious health risks for you and your family.

We act swiftly in dealing with your mouse problem, removing them efficiently and humanely as possible with minimal disruption to you.


These subterranean creatures have a voracious appetite for earthworms and other small invertebrates. In their pursuit they are often elusive but leave behind telltale signs that they have made your garden their private domain. One of the most apparent indicators of a mole problem is the presence of raised mounds scattered across your once pristine lawn, the physical evidence of a network of miniature tunnels just below the surface.

These intricate underground passageways not only disrupt the aesthetics of your outdoor space but also compromise its stability. As moles tirelessly dig through soil in search of sustenance, their relentless tunnelling can damage plant roots, bulbs and irrigation systems alike.

Cute and industrious as they are, their constant activity may inadvertently uproot young plants or expose them to harsh weather conditions by creating air-vents near fragile vegetation beds. If left unchecked, mole infestations can quickly multiply as neighbouring moles are attracted to an area rich in food sources and suitable habitat.

We treat mole problems quickly, efficiently and humanely as possible with minimal disruption to you.


Squirrels, whilst seemingly innocent and playful, can quickly become a formidable nuisance when they invade our homes. If you find yourself noticing an unusual amount of acorns, half-eaten bird feeders (their fondness for seeds and nuts makes them notorious pilferers who will stop at nothing until they’ve had their fill), or mysterious scratching sounds coming from your attic, these are all telltale signs that you might have a squirrel problem.

There’s no doubt that with their bushy tails and pretty fur, squirrels are cuter than some of their rodent cousins. However they have an innate need to chew constantly, in order to maintain healthy teeth growth. This poses significant risks when it comes to electrical wires, which can potentially lead to exposed wiring which can spark fires.

In addition squirrels often take up residence in attics or crawl spaces where they create nests using leaves, twigs, and other debris. Their nesting activities can lead to damage over time if left unchecked.

We treat squirrel problems quickly, efficiently and humanely as possible with minimal disruption to you.



Wasps strike fear into the hearts of many, and can be a constant annoyance during summer barbecues and other outdoor activities.

A telltale sign that indicates a wasp problem is seeing them in volume around food sources and often going in and out of crevices where they are likely to have a nest.

These nests, generally found underneath eaves, in tree branches, or hidden within cavities around your property, are often made from chewed wood pulp and resemble paper-like structures with hexagonal cells housing thousands of wasps ready to spring into action at any provocation.

Known for their aggressive behaviour when they feel threatened or when defending their nests wasp stings can cause immense pain and discomfort, especially for those who may have allergies to insect venom. Additionally if you keep bees they can be fatal to bee colonies.

We will remove wasp nests quickly and efficiently, ensuring you have all the precautions in place to avoid being stung.


Flies can quickly become irritating as well as causing a nuisance and disrupting daily activities. However these pesky insects are not only bothersome but also pose several health risks. Flies are notorious carriers of diseases such as salmonella, E.coli, and various types of viruses. 

They pick up pathogens from bins, decaying matter or animal faeces and then transport them onto surfaces where food preparation takes place or where people come into contact with them directly. This means that flies can easily contaminate your meals, utensils and countertops – essentially everything in reach – which greatly increases the risk of infection and illness to both humans and animals alike.

If you are experiencing problems with flies we have several ways of dealing with them which doesn’t involve chasing them round the house with a hoover.


Cockroaches are attracted to warm, dark, and damp environments such as kitchens and bathrooms. They enter homes through small cracks or gaps in walls, windows, doors, or sewer pipes. Once inside a property, they multiply rapidly with their ability to reproduce quickly – a single female cockroach can lay up to 50 eggs at once.

Identifying the presence of cockroaches is often straightforward as they leave behind visible signs including droppings that resemble black pepper or coffee grounds scattered near their hiding places.

The problem with cockroaches lies not only in their unsightly appearance but also in the risks they pose to human health. These pests contaminate food and surfaces by spreading bacteria and pathogens through their excrement and body parts. This can lead to various diseases such as salmonella and gastroenteritis.

We have various methods for eliminating cockroach infestations and realise the importance of reacting promptly and preventing their return.


Ant infestations are typically caused by the relentless search for food and shelter displayed by these industrious creatures. With their remarkable communication skills, ants can effortlessly locate and follow scent trails left behind by their fellow colony members, leading them straight into our homes or gardens.

The most common indicator for an ant infestation is the presence of ant trails marching in a disciplined manner across floors or along walls. However, a more subtle sign is the tiny piles of dirt resembling miniature anthills that may be found near entrances as ants excavate soil to build nests indoors.

We make sure to identify the exact species before beginning any treatment as each species must be treated differently. What works for one can actually give you a much bigger problem if used for another.

common clothes moth

Moth infestations can occur due to a variety of factors, but they are often attracted to certain conditions in our homes. One common cause is the presence of ant colonies nearby, as ants tend to leave behind food particles or crumbs that serve as an alluring feast for moths.

If you are regularly seeing moths fluttering around light sources at night, or small holes are appearing in your clothes, the chances are you have a moth problem. Another thing to look out for are larval casings in cupboards or drawers (moths breeding ground of choice) by moth larvae who like to feed on natural fibers like silk and wool. This can cause irreparable damage to cloths and carpets alike.

If you suspect you may have a moth problem do get in touch and we will help you to get rid of them quickly and efficiently.


Minuscule yet formidable, fleas often arrive in our homes having hitched a ride on unsuspecting hosts such as our pets. Once inside, they find refuge in carpets, bedding, or upholstery where they lay hundreds of eggs at an astonishing rate.

One common sign of the potential start of a flea infestation is the incessant scratching and restlessness displayed by our furry companions or red welts on human skin that induce itching and discomfort.

If you can catch this early enough, treating the host might be enough but once eggs have been laid in carpets etc you will most likely need a treatment.

We will recommend a treatment specific to your circumstances and then ensure it is carried out safely without risk to you or your pets.


Tiny nocturnal pests that have plagued humans for centuries, bedbugs are typically introduced into our homes through infested furniture, luggage, or even clothing. These resilient creatures will quickly establish themselves in the warm and cozy crevices of our mattresses, box springs, and upholstered furniture.

Bedbugs bites cause itchy red welts on the skin and small brownish spots on bedding from bedbug excrement or bugs crushed after feeding. If they have been present for a while you may discover discarded exoskeletons shed by growing bedbugs.

Detecting these sneaky insects isn’t always straight forward as they hide during daylight hours, emerging only at night to feed. In fact one of the problems with bedbugs lies in their ability to reproduce rapidly and spread throughout an entire home unnoticed. Meanwhile their bites not only cause physical discomfort but can cause anxiety.

Their resilience against common pesticides makes them difficult to eradicate completely without professional intervention and it is crucial for individuals dealing with suspected bedbug infestations to address the issue promptly by seeking expert help as early detection significantly increases chances of successfully eliminating them from your home.

We will assess the severity of the problem and quickly get a treatment plan started supporting you throughout.


Bird Proofing

Bird proofing is a crucial step in safeguarding your property against the potential damage and nuisance caused by birds. To effectively bird proof an area, several measures can be taken.

Netting and Mesh

One of the most common methods is to install bird netting or wire mesh around vulnerable spaces such as rooftops, balconies, or gardens. This physical barrier acts as a deterrent, preventing birds from accessing these areas without causing them any harm.

Bird Spikes or pin and wire

Installing bird spikes or wire on ledges and other flat surfaces can discourage roosting and nesting behaviour. These non-lethal devices create an uncomfortable landing space for birds while allowing them to move freely elsewhere.

Visual deterrents

Utilising visual deterrents like reflective tape is another effective strategy for bird proofing. Birds are naturally cautious creatures and will often avoid areas that appear unfamiliar or potentially dangerous; thus, creating an intimidating environment through various visual means can deter their presence altogether.

Removal of food sources

Providing alternative food sources away from buildings helps redirect the attention of hungry birds towards more suitable feeding spots instead of attempting to access your property’s resources. Equally minimising potential attractions like uncovered bins or exposed food ensures that birds do not see your premises as a convenient source of sustenance.

For more information on our preventative measures visit our prevention page. If you need help immediately please get in touch.


Pigeons may seem harmless at first glance but if populations go unchecked they can cause a range of problems. Property damage caused by pigeon excrement is one such issue. Droppings contain uric acid, which can corrode metal surfaces and erode building materials over time.

Pigeons are also known carriers of several diseases that can be transmitted to humans through contact with their feathers or droppings. Among the most notable diseases associated with pigeons are histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. Histoplasmosis is an infection caused by inhaling fungal spores present in dried bird droppings; it primarily affects the lungs but can spread throughout the body if left untreated.

We use various methods for getting rid of pigeons while ensuring their humane treatment. Our priority is protection your property and health whilst being mindful of the welfare of the birds.


Opportunistic birds, Gulls are known to scavenge for food, often raiding bins, and outdoor dining areas. They are bold birds and often damage property as they peck at rooftops or solar panels in search of nesting spots.

Another issue with these communal birds is that they tend to congregate in large flocks near bodies of water where they leave behind excessive droppings that can pose health risks.

Gulls are primarily carriers rather than direct transmitters but can still spread diseases and inhalation of contaminated dust particles may result in flu-like symptoms ranging from mild fever and headache to severe pneumonia if left untreated.

We use various methods for dealing with gulls while ensuring their humane treatment. Our first priority is ensuring the wellbeing of you and your property but we will also ensure the welfare of the birds.

other birds

Although less common than pigeons and gulls, other birds such as crows, starlings, sparrows and swallows can cause issues for homeowners in the UK. 

Their nesting habits, droppings, squawking and even on occasion excess flocking or attacks can lead to them coming into conflict with people.

We are bird specialists and have a range of methods for controlling bird activity, whilst ensuring that welfare standards are upheld and working within the legislation for managing wild birds.